Test Flight
Test flight completed with Cyril at his house
- Binding process was painless
- 1 ESC was EXTREMELY hot to the touch. Discuss with Cyril.
- Just power to ESC, not motor connected
- Replaced it
Prop Balancing
- James Hughes23 Balance props
Initial Setup and Flight Test
- James Hughes Meet Meet with Cyril to go through settings/ fine tune
Build TODOs
- James Hughes Drill Drill bottom plate to allow mounting holes for PDU and fine tune how this is mounted
- James Hughes Tie wrap ESCs and cables
- James Hughes Reverse PDU connector. Move to bottom side of board
Arming the drone
Seemed like it did not work all the time. Pretty certain the transmitter is on first, before plugging in the battery to the drone
- ARM - Throttle down, rudder right
- DISARM - Throttle down, rudder left
Second Attempt of spin-up testing
- spin up on all 4 motors is good
- rotation is verified
- M1-M4 are connected to proper connectors
ESC failure
- ESC gets really hot with just having the battery connected
- No motor
- No connection to controller
- I'll tear it apart later
Build notes
Always FULLY SECURE motor wires to the arms. They find a way to get into the props if not careful.