LEDs can be connected to the N+/N-, R+/R-, and the U+/U- nodes to verify software is working properly. They are current limited outputs and ready for LEDs, Observe polarity.
TODO: make a quick PCB that can be quickly screwed into the terminals
Monitoring the LEDs will indicate that software is present and running on the ATTINY85 (U2)
U1 is the FET driver responsive for providing and swapping the 9-12V to the tortoise (pin 1 and pin 8 )
measuring pin 2 to GND will indicate 0V or 5V on the FET driver for NORMAL/REVERSE. This pin also drives the LEDs, so observing the LEDs for N/R is much easier. Pin 1 and pin 8 of the tortoise connector will measure +/-12V depending on switch state.