Blog from September, 2022

Heltec RX/TX units working

Heltec LoRaWAN dev boards are running as sender and receiver

  • Need to understand SPI pinout differences between dev board and weather station sender, so I can build for either platform

Determining how to reliably send a 64 byte non-ASCII data packet from the sender to the receiver. Right now packet receive is very spotty.

Edit: Seems to note like the 64 byte data structure, but 37 bytes send reliably.

45M Tx testing is reliable, going to box up the unit and place at end of property next.

Split weather sensor data and hardware data into separate structure. Data is sent on alternating WAKE events. The 915 MHz LoRa radio arrived to use with the PCB Debasish is sending.

143M range testing started at 6:50p and station is sending test packets every 15 sec. Looking good after 30 min.

Running for 9h with no signs of packet loss