Initial program development notes
Oct 2, 2022
I’m creating a seperate blog entry for general program development notes
Weather station now reads BME280 (good test sensor choice with 3 readout values)
Relative humidity and barometric pressure are placed in the sensor structure
Temperature is placed in the hardware data structure to represent case temperature
ESP32 core temp is also read
I now have values to play with to get the receiver of the data to convert values to MQTT.
As software is developed, I’m going to maintain the mindset that zero calibration for ADC values, wind direction, etc… need to happen at the station. I want to get to the point where station is flashed and left alone as much as possible. Calibration will happen at the receiver (much more accessible)
Oct 3, 2022
Receiver now forwards hardware sensor data to broker.
Oct 4, 2022
Completed initial receive of environment data structure and forward values to MQTT broker. Still need to bring rain and wind measurement online.
Starting to envision an elegant way to periodically calibrate the RTC.
Oct 5, 2022
Started a battery life test on the devKit with a 500mAh battery and 3 minute wave cycles. I won’t be able to do much coding for the next couple of days and wanted to understand how it is performing.
Oct 6, 2022
LoRa data is seeming to be quite stable with reporting. Red data sets are hardware parameters and yellow are weather sensor data.