Block Occupancy Detector

Block Occupancy Detector

I designed our own block detectors as an inexpensive alternative to purchasing remade modules.

PCB Build

(Still waiting for J4 screw terminals to arrive - this is what connects back to the CMRI node)

Quick and dirty, but using the same current transformer that the NCE version uses (1:200 turn ratio)

  • LED1 electrically does not have a polarity as it voltage is AC and swings positive and negative


Install on the red wire side of the feeder.

Ā TODO: Add example of installed detector.


This video demonstrates over-current Ā and reset using a 2A high current short in parallel with a 200mA load across the track. Over-current LED comes on and resets with 200mA load on the track after the short is removed.


200 turn CT
R2,R3470 ohm

Single wire through current transformer is xx" long