New PCB design log
Main PCB
PCB - v3.1
Replace LDO with new footprint
Add photoresistor - request from Thomas K.
Add a 1/4w resistor for that voltage divider network
Do not intentionally place components in front of micro-USB charging port connector
LDO is OK because of low height
Move regulator caps
PCB - v3.2
Purpose: Low power ESP32 design and remove dev board, also can be used for e-ink display driver
ESP32 simple breakout module footprint
Programming port and jumpers to support programming
5 I2C ports
Breakout header for waveshare e-ink display
PCB v1.0
Simple plug in module to support the EEPROM rainfall backup concept
Thomas found if the system cannot connect to WiFi for any reason, the controller will time out. Of course the WDT takes over and a hard RESET is executed and rainfall data is lost. The ESP32 loses rainfall data at that point.
I didn’t want to write to the internal EEPROM as wear out will eventually happen (pretty far out, but it will happen)
Replacing an inexpensive NVM seemed a good option
I work for a company that makes NVM’s and spent several years of my semiconductor career testing them
It was a bit of a lark project, but a fun distraction, LOL
Gerber/Schematic Attachments
On the ESP32 with adapter board that I ordered, pin IO5 is incorrectly labeled. The back was labeled twice with IO15. In the following picture I have marked the correct IO5.
Since I am very enthusiastic about the first test results of the v4, I decided to create a v3.3. This version also gets the load switch like v4. The v3.3 should be for people who do not want or cannot solder SMT. Unfortunately, it does not work entirely without SMT, but is limited to 4 components.